A guide to the main museums on the Costa Blanca, where you can discover the history, culture and tradition of this fascinating region of Spain. The ideal places to visit for families with children, where you have fun and education rolled into one.

The Museum of Illusions in Alicante is full of fascination, fun, and suprises. A magical place where you will discover captivating illusions, wonderful atmosphere and helpful staff. The permanent exhibition is a 700m2 space filled with illusions, scientific inventions and artistic expressions where physics and optics share space with mysterious works of art and classic riddles. You can enjoy a unique educational experience with interactive activities, such as light drawing or shadow making, and create unforgettable memories in the amazing upside-down world. An ideal place for families to visit with children, and those looking for a unique place to visit in Alicante. Tel: 673 234 784 ilusionesalicante.es

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Alicante, known as MACA is located in the heart of the city, opposite the monumental Church of Santa Maria. It exhibits 20th century and contemporary art with three permanent collections of about 800 art pieces. Being one of the most important cultural and architectural projects of the city, the museum brings a new contemporary infrastructure to Alicante, enriching its heritage, educational and cultural resources. Tel: 965 213 156 maca-alicante.es

The Museum of the City of Alicante is located in the Santa Barbara Castle and offers a journey through the history of Alicante City. Here you will find various exhibition halls that have been restored and refurbished, each showcasing different archaeological materials found from historical eras of the city. The museum has developed the idea of the Mediterranean as a framework to explain local phenomena. The exhibition halls portray the intense relationship between a city and a sea full of history and culture. Tel: 965 177 201 museodealicante.com

MARQ (Museo Arqueológico de Alicante) located on the outskirts of Alicante city centre, is an archaeological museum which is dedicated to displaying its collection in a traditional way; as a collection of classified and catalogued finds. MARQ is a project faced with the challenge of being the first archaeological museum of the 21st century. As well as being a professional institution and an important educational space, MARQ also provides a spectacular and entertaining experience. The museum offers visitors the opportunity to find out about the various methods and techniques that are associated with archaeology. These are explained in three galleries dedicated to: Field Archaeology, Urban Archaeology and Underwater Archaeology. Various audio-visual and interactive presentations provide visitors with a detailed insight into the techniques that archaeologists use to discover the past. Tel: 965 149 000 marqalicante.com

MAHE (Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche) is located in the historic city centre of Elche and is divided into two sections: archeology and history. The area dedicated to archeology houses the rich heritage of Elche from the Neolithic to the late Antiquity. The history section is located in the Palace of the Lord Feudal, built on the old defensive system of Muslim origin. The castle, closely linked to the history of the town, houses the museum portraying the modern city of Elche, from its foundation to the 10th century. The MAHE Museum incorporates computer media, audiovisual resources and texts to offer a comprehensive, attractive and enjoyable approach to the history of the city. Tel: 966 658 203 elche.es

The Paleontological Museum in Elche known as MUPE (Museo Paleontologico de Elche) was founded in 1980 by a group of friends who had a mutual interest in paleontology. Their aim was to gather their collections and obtain funds to create a library, laboratory and storage area for their recovered fossil material. Years later, the museum has transformed into a cultural and educational treasure for its visitors, with over 1,200 fossils and models displayed over two floors. Highlights of the museum include original dinosaur remains, a skull of a T-Rex and a conserved marine reptile. MUPE offers guided tours of the museum, workshops for children, including a fascinating excavation activity, and its popular “Night in the Museum” tour. Tel: 965 458 803 cidarismpe.org

The Palm Museum in Elche (Museo del Palmeral) consists of a traditional 19th century house situated amongst the Palm Grove of “Huerto de San Placido” in the heart of Elche city centre. The museum has two wings connected by a quaint covered wooden bridge. Inside, the various exhibition rooms explain the history of the palm trees, their uses and evolution, through videos, display panels, tactile screens and ambience sounds. The Palm Museum experience is completed by taking a walk outside in the grove where a specialist palm worker or “palmerero” will demonstrate his white palm plaiting skills in the workshop annex of the museum. Tel: 965 422 240 visitelche.com

The Torrellano Railway Museum, known as “Museo del Ferrocarril” is one of the best museums on the Costa Blanca to visit with children. The highlight here is taking a ride on the miniature steam trains which send you on a quaint journey round the premises, going over mini bridges and through tunnels. The Railway Museum is located about 6km from Elche in what used to be the old merchandise warehouse next to Torrellano Station. It showcases a variety of antique pieces, old photographs and detailed information related to the history of the steam trains and its railway. Tel: 646 253 303 aaaf.org

The Valor Chocolate Museum in Villajoyosa takes you on a journey through the history of Valor chocolate making, dating back to 1881. At this delightful museum you will discover everything about cocoa from its history, right through to the evolution of the processes and production of chocolate. The Valor Chocolate Museum houses one of the best collections of machinery in the chocolate industry, from the times when cocoa was ground by stone to the modern equipment used today. Of course, the perfect end to the museum experience is a visit to the chocolate shop where you can sample and discover the delicious range of their chocolate varieties. Tel: 965 890 950 valor.es

The Turron Museum situated in the picturesque village of Jijona (or Xixona in Valencian-Catalan), is dedicated to preserving the technological heritage related to the production of turron and marzipan. The museum is spread across three floors where old fashioned hand making tools are displayed and all the processes are explained. The first floor gives you an insight into the main ingredients used. On the second floor you get to discover the process of turron making, and the third floor is all about how the final product is marketed. The Turron Museum visit finishes in the shop where you get to taste different varieties of turron and marzipan before purchasing your favourites. Tel: 965 610 712 museodelturron.com

Museo de Pusol, otherwise known as the Elche School Museum, takes you back in time to see how people used to make a living in rural Elche. Committed to safeguarding local heritage, history and customs, the museum houses a large collection of objects that tell an enchanting story of the local area. The Museo de Pusol, bursting with sentimentality, was founded to keep the memory of old professions, artisan work and traditions alive. The majority of everyday objects on display were donated, and used by locals in the past, like carts, tools, clothing, shop and school equipment. A visit to the museum is ideal for families with children, taking you on a fascinating and memorable journey. Tel: 966 630 478 museopusol.com